Shawn Kraatz, of Costa Mesa, California, serves as first vice president at Alliant Insurance based in Newport Beach, focusing on property and casualty insurance. In addition to his professional responsibilities, Shawn Kraatz follows trends, topics, and news out of the National Association for Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP), a networking organization that provides education, advocacy, and business opportunities to members by plugging them into the North American network.
Among its activities, NAIOP takes stances on a variety of issues to affect change and impact government regulation, including the environment. Its more recent environmental policy position addresses reforming the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Its stance on reforming the ESA relates to project delays or interruptions in areas that do not impact endangered species. NAIOP supports imposing fines or legal sanctions against parties who falsely or fraudulently report the sighting of endangered species.
The organization also supports voluntary conservation programs like the Species Recovery Agreement and Habitat Reserve Agreement, which partner the federal government with private land owners. The NAIOP supports policies that would provide incentives in the form of grants to encourage these types of partnerships.
Among its activities, NAIOP takes stances on a variety of issues to affect change and impact government regulation, including the environment. Its more recent environmental policy position addresses reforming the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Its stance on reforming the ESA relates to project delays or interruptions in areas that do not impact endangered species. NAIOP supports imposing fines or legal sanctions against parties who falsely or fraudulently report the sighting of endangered species.
The organization also supports voluntary conservation programs like the Species Recovery Agreement and Habitat Reserve Agreement, which partner the federal government with private land owners. The NAIOP supports policies that would provide incentives in the form of grants to encourage these types of partnerships.